The Definitive To-Do List To Become A Writer

And the most important question that you must answer.

You, LLC
3 min readAug 24, 2023

There are important questions that you must answer on your journey to writing online. Crucially, does the chicken come before the egg? Does a writer need a niche before they start writing? Or should you just go for it with reckless abandon?

Image created by the Author via Canva

What Is Step 1?

So, you want to build a writing side hustle? CONGRATULATIONS, step 1 is already complete!!

Getting the itch to write is the first step to becoming a full-time or side hustle writer. We all know that step 1 is often the hardest to complete, so congratulations if you have made it this far!

However, step 2 may not be as clear. Getting from what you want to do, to how to do it is a complicated next step. But there is a clear split in the road for anyone hoping to make money writing.

The Question You “Must” Answer

What do you want to write about?

Of course, you must have this answered before you start writing … every post is a chance to build your brand and engage with your audience … right?

That sounds great to read, but it contains incredibly faulty assumptions:



You, LLC

Hello! I am a CPA by day, writer by night, and adventurer on the weekends. I’m on the lookout for fun ideas to read, please send anything interesting my way!