One Piece Of Advice From A CPA

Save yourself a lot of stress with this one tip.

You, LLC
4 min readJan 12, 2023

Fair warning, I am not a tax professional. My day-to-day responsibilities do not include preparing or filing taxes on behalf of individuals or companies. However, I am confident that I know more about taxes than the average Medium reader, so listen well!

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An Average Non-Tax CPA’s April

April 15 is a nightmare; you are either dreading submitting your taxes or you are a CPA grinding through a pile of other people’s taxes. As a non-tax professional, I fall into the former camp.

However, a similar pattern repeats itself every mid-April. I love my friends, but I dread their last-minute messages and questions about preparing and filing their taxes.

2023 is a different year, but the same old song and dance usually goes like this on April 14:

· Should I file myself or work with a tax professional?

· How much does a tax professional cost?

· What is the best software to file taxes myself?

· Do I qualify for [insert here] deduction or credit?

· Should I itemize or take the standard deduction?



You, LLC

Hello! I am a CPA by day, writer by night, and adventurer on the weekends. I’m on the lookout for fun ideas to read, please send anything interesting my way!